Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This weekend I was lucky enough to take a trip to Los Angeles. While I was there I got the chance to visit LACMA. One of my favorite pieces that was there was Levitated Mass by Michael Heizer. The art piece is composed of a 340-ton megalith, suspended in the air and you are able to walk underneath it. 

Actually seeing the piece was a completely different experience than seeing through a photograph or the internet. My initial perception was that it was smaller that I had anticipated. This thought was quickly diminished as soon as I was able to walk underneath it. Its very difficult to put into perspective how heavy 340 tons actually is. It creates an almost feeling of intimidation being underneath, next to, an object of such grand scale. When thoughts of other civilizations of past times came to me, it was unfathomable how there were able to create works like Stonehendge or machu pichu. Levitated Mass illustrated the connection between our past and present relationship in the way we interact with the earth and permanent "scarring " we leave behind.

 Heizer also had another exhibition of a series of photographs. The photographs were projected onto large walls and were scaled to real life. He carefully documented size and was able to create an experience that transported the viewer to the location in which the photo was taken. His choice of life-sized scale added to Levitated Mass by commenting on our role in changing our surroundings. 

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